What do you get when you take lightly brewed tea, infuse it with a twist of natural fruit flavors, and add a pop of bubbles?

Something entirely new (and refreshing): MINNA Sparkling Tea.

It’s fresh and innovative and that’s exactly why we’ve added it to our menu of lunchtime beverage options.

“It’s surprisingly novel but once you wrap your head around the concept, it’s kind of like, ‘Why hasn’t anyone done this before?’” says Alex Evans, Head of Sales at MINNA. “The status quo of lightly flavored sparkling waters is really boring to people now. People are looking for a little more flavor and that’s what we deliver.” 

Each of the brand’s three flavors (Tropical Green Tea, Citrus Black Tea, and Lime Hibiscus Tea) are sugar free and zero calorie—making them the perfect drink to have by your desk.

Drink and do good

MINNA is not only unique in taste, it’s also 100% organic, non GMO, and soon-to-be Fair Trade Certified.

Plus, the brand is on a social mission: Inspired by the Japanese word “min’na,” which means “everyone,” MINNA donates 1% of proceeds to nonprofits who advocate for inclusion. They’re currently giving to Help Refugees, which provides emergency aid and long-term solutions for people seeking refuge, as well as Choose Love, the world’s first e-commerce store where all products purchased are donated directly to refugees in need.  

So you can enjoy a tasty beverage and do good during your marathon mid-day meeting.

Purposely not plastic

The makers of MINNA have also made a conscious choice to package their sparkling tea in aluminum cans rather than glass or plastic.

“We’re focused on eliminating single-use waste which is heavily tied to plastics,” Alex says. “Aluminum is one of the most recyclable materials on earth. Seventy percent of aluminum that’s ever been extracted is still in use…while very few plastics actually get recycled.”

Alex recommends the Netflix docuseries “Broken” to get the full story on the state of plastic recycling in America today.

Pairs well with…

STADIUM customers love sipping MINNA with these dishes:

  • The Vegan Quinoa Taco Salad from by Chloe
  • Harvest Bowl w/ Chicken by sweetgreen
  • Half Salmon + Half Tuna Cauli Rice Poke Bowl by Sons of Thunder

And lots more, but we’ll stop there…this is making us hungry.

What should we stock next?

Have a favorite snack or beverage brand you’d love to see on the STADIUM menu? We’re always looking for unique and tasty new products. Comment here or send us a message for recommendations. 


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