Who could have possibly predicted that 2020 would be so volatile? Nobody in our generation has experienced such a sudden shift that has impacted our global society as we know it. The landscape of how business is run has changed itself as we switch over to the world of “Zoom Towns”. Our habits have changed, our lives have changed, and there is simply no going back.

The SnackMagic team originally operated under the company STADIUM, which provided customizable team and client lunches. As people shifted to work from home, our team shifted to delivering snacks to those at home. With an entire food delivery operation already set in place, SnackMagic was one of the few that were quick to make the pivot to adjust to life in the age of a pandemic as many other businesses were wiped out. After only launching in 3 months, we made it out on the other side with flying colors. HR coordinators, event planners, and sales teams actively look to us as a resource for making their virtual events, employee perks, and client gifts something special that people look forward to!

Business as usual has evolved to become primarily remote as many WFH employees try to adjust their workflow to from communicating with their co-workers face to face, to trying to create a team synergy that is purely virtual. As teams and virtual event attendees have become more distributed, a culture of “Zoom Towns” has erupted. In these virtual worlds, there is an equal playing field. The corporate structure as we know it has started to become flattened with everyone having now equal importance in Zoom calls. For that reason, there is a dire need to make every employee feel valued. 

What’s so ironic about being in “lockdown” is that there is less travel, and yet we are all working on a global scale more than we ever have before! As more companies continue to hire on a more international level, the talent pool has greatly increased and there is more of a need to have employee outreach, especially for orientating fresh hires. As work life and personal life start to blend together with people working from home, perks and benefits will also start to blend in. 

SnackMagic has taken on the role of filling that void for the catered experience that employees would have if they were in office. Our service is the inclusive solution for creating physical touchpoints and facilitating rapport within different teams that you have been searching for. 

Book a call with us today to see how you can make your next virtual event, employee perk, or client gift stand out!


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