What is Sales Prospecting? And What Are the Best Practices in 2024?

40% of surveyed salespeople claimed that sales prospecting was the most challenging part of their job. 

In fact, salespeople find prospecting even more challenging than closing, which surprised us to hear. We work with many businesses like yours, where sales–and prospecting–are absolutely pivotal to long-term success. So, we naturally took an interest in the topic.

And while we might be a company with its roots in snacking, we also know a thing or two about the sales process. This includes sales prospecting techniques, sales prospecting tools, prospecting examples, and prospecting methods. 

Throughout this blog, we’ll explore several facets of sales prospecting and how honing your prospecting in marketing can take your business to new heights.  

What Is Prospecting in Sales?

So–what is prospecting? More specifically, what is prospecting in sales?

The prospecting meaning is rooted in prospects–or potential customers–themselves. The goal is to find people that are most likely to purchase your products to expand your list of qualified leads, and eventually, your customer or client base. 

Once you learn the prospecting meaning, it’s pretty clear why it’s far more difficult than closing. Because you need to generate something from nothing. Prospects are something your salespeople have to create themselves, as though it were a magic trick.

Top factors That Influence A Buyer’s Decisions

Using credit card on laptop

A core component of any strategic prospecting initiative is understanding all the factors influencing a buyer’s decisions. 

Most sales and prospecting experts will tell you that customers buy from you based on these 4 questions asking why:

  • Why should the potential prospect act?
  • Why should they act now?
  • Why is the possible prospect being targeted?
  • Why should they trust your brand?

Sure, there is lots of effort involved and questions to ask about someone who’s not even guaranteed to buy your products or services in the long run. But if you don’t put in this due diligence, you’ll struggle to even begin the buyer’s journey.

Let’s delve into some of the techniques involved in sales prospecting:

Seeking Out The Straight Results 

Fingers typing on an apple computer

When using the “straight results” approach, you’re focusing on your return on investment or the final outcome of your efforts. 

Typically, this involves methods such as cold calls and email marketing. You might find email to be the best option between the two. 80% of prospects prefer speaking with sales reps over email. 

Below is one of our examples of prospecting, an email to send if you work for a recruiting company:


I’ve sent this email since I noticed you’re about to restructure your leadership teams after you’ve expanded into multiple branches.
Given these leadership changes are temporary, the team appears to be in a state of flux (a reason to act now).

With the market shifts, such as Y and Z (another reason to act now), we’ve altered how we tackle leadership recruitment. And we’ve tripled our hiring speed while upholding a 97% 24-month retention rate (another reason to act and why to choose us). 

I figured you’d be curious about our changes (one more reason to act) and how it’s been going for us. 
Want to have a chat?



Strategic prospecting techniques include a free demonstration, best used for technology, products, and consulting. In these instances, demonstrating the value in what you’re selling can be highly effective.

By executing a demonstration with pinpoint effectiveness, you’ll successfully convey and showcase all that your prospects can achieve or enjoy with your products or services.

Of course, you need to get someone to accept your invitation to a demonstration, in which case you need to send an email like this:


I won’t be long–I just happened to notice your post on TechReview, and what you said resonated with me (a reason to act now).
Specifically, video conferencing platforms don’t live up to the hype for the most part. 

However, through my 5-minute demo, I’ll show you how our platform sidesteps the disadvantages you talked about (another reason
to act now).

Are you available on Thursday a 9:30 am?


Send Snack Boxes for a Surprise and Delight Moment 

a box with snacks and office supplies

Here is the last of our prospecting in sales examples. But it’s definitely not the least. In fact, although we might be biased, we think this suggestion might be the difference maker as you try to turn consumers into prospects into paying customers.  

In a nutshell, to attract prospects, sometimes you need to sweeten the deal with something special that really makes your brand stand out.

For example, sending potential customers curated SnackMagic Boxes can help you reach their hearts through their satisfied bellies. Additionally, our boxes have the most customizable features such as:

  • Notes inside boxes
  • Digitally branded experiences
  • Swag options

There’s another prospecting tool offered by SnackMagic that’ll stand out almost more than our delicious snacks–that being our video messages

You can customize and personalize the video message like our other prospecting tools. This feature adds that special touch, all but guaranteeing you end up closing the sale. 

Your brand will remain top of mind through our videos and our delicious menu of over 1000 snacks.


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